my dream

my dream

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What to talk about...........

I haven't written much because I just can't seem to organize what is in my head lately. It feels like a whirlwind up there. there is so much going on in my head, in the world and everywhere else, that I just can't seem to figure out where to even begin.
There are so many issues that I follow, and alot (there's that word again) that I am passionate about. it is like craziness all the time. I really relate to my 2nd child who has Autism. It can be so hard to filter out all of the stuff in my present environment, and sometimes it is so overwhelming, i just can't speak. If I did speak, it would not make any sense to anyone but me.
I always tell my husband that I wish I could make a video tape of my head, and what is up there. I am sure that it would be highly entertaining, maybe a little bizarre (well, more than a little) at times, and very passionate. I am a very passionate person, about most things. i guess that is why things bother me so easily, not because I am pessimistic, as some might say or think, but because i feel so much, so deeply. I can only imagine how horrifying at times, the world seems to my son. (Note to self) I need to remember this when he and i are doing homework and i am frustrated with it.  
I spend quite a large mount of time on my facebook page. It is my social time, I know, how sad. I don't have alot of social time away from home because of living circumstances. no big deal, this is just how it is for now. But anyway, I get really annoyed with how rude and unthoughtful people are theses days. They are so judgmental of others, but expect others to be accepting of their thoughts and attitudes. how can you expect to be treated with dignity and respect if you show none to others? I mean is that so hard to get????
Good lord, I am rambling. I am gonna stop. I have to go feed my best friends and do some laundry. (oh, how domestic of me. )

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