my dream

my dream

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hey Life aint so bad right now.

Hey Life aint so bad right now.

Can I please place another order? I want no conflicts, quiet time to myself, at least eight full hours of sleep a night, clear skin, no pain, both physically and mentally...oh, and no expectations placed on me. ?

      Wait, I have to pay for all that? Why can't I just have it, why cant you just give it to me? I just ordered it!
Damn it! I thought this was take out, TAKE out! There is no give in take!!

I am really lucky. It seems to take a few catastrophes and bumps, maybe a few big road blocks, for me to see how good I really have it. Life is good, it really aint so bad. (I realize that aint is not a word, I like it though, and i am gonna use it.)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Something Between Us.

There is something between us. Something I feel.
There is something between us, we can not move forward or go backward.
The something between us was not there and now it is, it will not move.

There is something broken now, and it can not be mended. 
How did we get here, how did this happen.

I thought we were strong, I thought we could not be broken.
The bond was so strong , or so i believed.

There is something between us that can not be fixed.